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Andrea Concas

Passionate, curious, sometimes visionary, Andrea Concas talks about art and innovation every day as an art entrepreneur, teacher, popularizer and speaker all over the world. He is the founder and CEO of the art startup Art Backers, of Art Rights, a platform for the management and certification of artworks, and of ArtBackers.Agency, a Cultural Marketing and Communication agency dedicated to the world of Art 3.0. He gave life to the art galleries The AB Gallery and founded ProfessioneARTE.it, the first online community for training, learning and orientation towards the art professions. He created the first “ChatBOT Book” in the art world with the “100 Domande 150 Risposte” series, published by Mondadori Electa, which, thanks to ArteConcasBOT, answers questions about artists, their lives, works and the market.

For this series he published Leonardo da Vinci, Banksy and Frida Kahlo. He is the author of the book “ProfessioneARTE-The protagonists, investment opportunities, new digital challenges”, the first guide for those who want to turn art into a profession. He published in May 2020 “Post Coronavirus Art. Digital strategies for art professionals” in eBook format, published by Edizioni Piemme, where he reveals the best digital strategies for restarting, aimed at gallery owners, museums, artists, collectors, curators, auction houses and Art & Culture professionals. With his videos and social channels, he promotes and supports art every day.



Art Rights is the first platform to support the management and certification of works of art to protect and favor artists, collectors and sector operators.

Art Rights becomes the first “artwork passport”, with a unique system of validation of information and documentary equipment by several professionals in favor of authenticity, provenance and due diligence, to improve the confidence to the market.

In complete privacy, security and legal value, the platform uses cutting-edge technologies such as the Blockchain, for the Timestamp validation and the training of an artificial intelligence neural network aimed at verifying authenticity, market analysis and management of the collection, complete with an Art Concierge service, in collaboration with the main service and market players.